
( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\webserver\www\lmeijernl\include\ on line 23
( ! ) Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\webserver\www\lmeijernl\include\ on line 23
Call Stack
10.0004361008{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0405738720serve404( )...\index.php:106
30.0407739408include( 'C:\webserver\www\lmeijernl\include\ )...\
40.12821048680serendipity_printEntries( $entries = [0 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '245', 'title' => 'Herinneringen aan Eddie', 'timestamp' => '1411163640', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1411163640', 'author' => 'Leon Meijer', 'loginname' => 'Leonmeijer', 'email' => '', 'body' => 'Woorden schieten te kort, check daarom <a class="red" rel="shadowbox[Mixed];width=800;height=600" href="">deze video</a>.\r\n\r\nVandaag zou onspap, Eddie 54 jaar zijn geworden maar helaas is hij op <b>zondag 13 juli 2014</b> overleden aan de gevolgen van kanker...\r\n\r\nMensen bij ons uit de straat (nouja... mijn ouderlijke straat dan) hadden een bijeenkomst georganiseerd om Eddie te herdenken en een beetje bij de kletsen enzo.\r\n\r\nEerst zijn we s', 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 1 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '244', 'title' => 'Eindhoven de gekste 2.0!', 'timestamp' => '1410728400', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1411230655', 'author' => 'Leon Meijer', 'loginname' => 'Leonmeijer', 'email' => '', 'body' => 'De laatste keer (volgens deze weblog in iedergeval en volgens mijn zeef-geheugen ook) dat we op familiebezoek bij Marion en Alfonds zijn geweest was op <a href="!.html" target="_blank" class="red"><b>Zondag 21 september 2008</b></a> dus het werd wel weer eens tijd, niet dat we ze niet gezien hadden op bijv. Manon haar verjaardagen en helaas bij een reeks crematies...\r\n\r\nDeze <b>zondag 14 september 2014</b> zijn we dus weer geweest en het was erg ge', 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 2 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '242', 'title' => 'Appelpop 2014', 'timestamp' => '1410690840', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1410690840', 'author' => 'Leon Meijer', 'loginname' => 'Leonmeijer', 'email' => '', 'body' => 'Afgelopen vrijdag(avond) 12 september en zaterdag 13 september was het gratis festival Appelpop er weer in Tiel en Malou had mij gevraagd of ik mee wilde dus heb ik ff de line-up gechecked en dat zag er zeker niet verkeerd uit dus we zijn er heen gegaan!\r\n\r\nVrijdagmiddag heb ik eerst mijn fiets bij Den Bosch CS gezet en ben daarna terug naar huis gelopen omdat we savonds door onsmam in Tiel afgezet zouden worden. Voorgaande jaren was het in Tiel autovrij maar dit jaar hadden ze 2 dingen gescheiden, Appe', 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 3 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '241', 'title' => 'IJzerenmanconcert 2014', 'timestamp' => '1410463417', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1410463417', 'author' => 'Leon Meijer', 'loginname' => 'Leonmeijer', 'email' => '', 'body' => 'Met <b>Guus Meeuwis!</b>!\r\n\r\nAfgelopen zondag ben ik samen met Malou naar een concert geweest in/bij de IJzerenman (een grote plas) in Vught.\r\n\r\nGuus Meeuwis was te gast als mysteryguest nouja echt misterieus was \'ie niet want het was al van te voren bekend dat hij zou komen.\r\nHij zou acht nummers doen maar volgens mij heeftie er minder gedaan...\r\n\r\nWas ook erg gezellig, we kwamen nog bekenden tegen onder andere Marius de Nijs (die ik ken van een vriendengroepje van Sensis van vroegah) en 2 a', 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 4 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '243', 'title' => ' 8 jaar', 'timestamp' => '1410329280', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1410329280', 'author' => 'Leon Meijer', 'loginname' => 'Leonmeijer', 'email' => '', 'body' => '<b>8 jaar</b> later... 236 blogs verder zijn we nogsteeds in de lucht!\r\n\r\nBitcoins worden nogsteeds gemined en wie weet komt er op korte termijn (al kan ik beter lange termijn zeggen) een nieuw blogsysteem met een geheel vernieuwd template!\r\n\r\nGaan we door voor 9 jaar? Natuurlijk, dus let\'s go...', 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]], 5 => ['orderkey' => NULL, 'id' => '240', 'title' => 'Duitsland 2014!', 'timestamp' => '1409323860', 'comments' => '0', 'exflag' => '0', 'authorid' => '1', 'trackbacks' => '0', 'isdraft' => 'false', 'allow_comments' => 'true', 'last_modified' => '1410035642', 'author' => 'Leon Meijer', 'loginname' => 'Leonmeijer', 'email' => '', 'body' => 'Herinnerd u zich deze nog, nog nog....\r\n\r\n<img width=320 height=240 src="" alt="Duitsland 2010! uitsmijter bij Der Brabander in Winterberg">\r\n\r\nUitsmijter bij hotel Der Brabander in Winterberg op <b>zaterdag 22 mei in feestjaar 2010</b>, toen der tijd waren we op vakantie in Duitsland omdat mijn ouders 25 jaar getrouwd zijn, nu 2014 dik 4 jaar verder is het dan tijd voor Duitsland 2014 maar een feestjaar is het bepaald', 'extended' => '', 'categories' => [...], 'properties' => [...]]], $extended = ???, $preview = ???, $smarty_block = ???, $smarty_fetch = ???, $use_hooks = ???, $use_footer = ???, $use_grouped_array = ??? )...\
50.13011049544serendipity_smarty_fetch( $block = 'ENTRIES', $file = 'entries.tpl', $echo = TRUE, $force_frontend = ??? )...\
60.13061049640Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch( $template = 'file:C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/templates/timeline/entries.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, FALSE )...\
70.13061049640Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute( $template = 'file:C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/templates/timeline/entries.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL, $parent = NULL, $function = 0 )...\smarty_internal_templatebase.php:116
80.13161073160Smarty_Internal_Template->render( $no_output_filter = FALSE, $display = 0 )...\smarty_internal_templatebase.php:232
90.13361076512Smarty_Template_Compiled->render( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $security_settings = FALSE; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\2k11\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\2k11\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\plugins\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\default\\'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1713449592.9401; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_objType = 1; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates_c\\'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'timeline'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... } }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = '10c2eb68276bba8e21c4f36f547b5475983dc5b4'; public $resource = 'file:C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/templates/timeline/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = 'C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/templates/timeline/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1587795880; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/templates/timeline/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = '9a70a028b23ccfb4b95d6b87819552167b1905d4'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'timeline'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'currpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'FooterSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'socialicons' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'staticpage_categorypage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityArchiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'plugin_clean_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $security_settings = FALSE; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\2k11\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\2k11\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\plugins\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\default\\'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1713449592.9401; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_objType = 1; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates_c\\'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'timeline'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... } }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $nocache_hash = NULL; public $filepath = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates_c\\timeline\\10\\c2\\eb\\10c2eb68276bba8e21c4f36f547b5475983dc5b4_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1605122052; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_5fac38040487a9_22475395'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE } } )...\smarty_internal_template.php:216
100.13371076512Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode( $_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $security_settings = FALSE; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\2k11\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\2k11\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\plugins\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\default\\'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1713449592.9401; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_objType = 1; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates_c\\'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'timeline'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... } }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = '10c2eb68276bba8e21c4f36f547b5475983dc5b4'; public $resource = 'file:C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/templates/timeline/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = 'C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/templates/timeline/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1587795880; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/templates/timeline/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = '9a70a028b23ccfb4b95d6b87819552167b1905d4'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'timeline'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'currpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'FooterSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'socialicons' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'staticpage_categorypage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityArchiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'plugin_clean_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $security_settings = FALSE; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\2k11\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\2k11\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\plugins\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\default\\'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1713449592.9401; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_objType = 1; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates_c\\'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'timeline'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... } }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $nocache_hash = NULL; public $filepath = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates_c\\timeline\\10\\c2\\eb\\10c2eb68276bba8e21c4f36f547b5475983dc5b4_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1605122052; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_5fac38040487a9_22475395'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE } }, $unifunc = ??? )...\smarty_template_compiled.php:114
110.13381076512content_5fac38040487a9_22475395( $_smarty_tpl = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $security_settings = FALSE; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\2k11\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\2k11\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\plugins\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\default\\'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1713449592.9401; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_objType = 1; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates_c\\'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'timeline'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... } }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = '10c2eb68276bba8e21c4f36f547b5475983dc5b4'; public $resource = 'file:C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/templates/timeline/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = 'C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/templates/timeline/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1587795880; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/templates/timeline/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = '9a70a028b23ccfb4b95d6b87819552167b1905d4'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'timeline'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'currpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'FooterSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'socialicons' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'staticpage_categorypage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityArchiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'plugin_clean_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $security_settings = FALSE; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\2k11\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\2k11\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\plugins\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\default\\'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1713449592.9401; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_objType = 1; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates_c\\'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'timeline'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... } }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $nocache_hash = NULL; public $filepath = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates_c\\timeline\\10\\c2\\eb\\10c2eb68276bba8e21c4f36f547b5475983dc5b4_0.file.entries.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1605122052; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_5fac38040487a9_22475395'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE } } )...\smarty_template_resource_base.php:123
120.13461077624serendipity_smarty_hookPlugin( $params = ['hook' => 'entries_header', 'addData' => ''], $smarty = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { public $security_settings = FALSE; public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\2k11\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\2k11\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\plugins\\#C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\default\\'; public $_configDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_config_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\'; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = FALSE; public $force_compile = FALSE; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = FALSE; public $start_time = 1713449592.9401; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_objType = 1; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates_c\\'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = './cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'timeline'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... } }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = '10c2eb68276bba8e21c4f36f547b5475983dc5b4'; public $resource = 'file:C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/templates/timeline/entries.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = 'C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/templates/timeline/entries.tpl'; public $filepath = 'C:\\WebServer\\www\\lmeijernl\\templates\\timeline\\entries.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1587795880; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Serendipity_Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = NULL; public $template_resource = 'file:C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/templates/timeline/entries.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = '9a70a028b23ccfb4b95d6b87819552167b1905d4'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [0 => [...]]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'timeline'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 3600; public $tplFunctions = []; public $_cache = []; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_charset' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_version' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_title' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_subtitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_script' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'head_link_stylesheet_frontend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_xhtml' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_popups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'force_backendpopups' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_embedded' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_raw_mode' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_logged_in' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'entry_id' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'is_single_entry' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogSubTitle' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'blogDescription' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityHTTPPath' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityDefaultBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityBaseURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityRewritePrefix' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityIndexFile' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityVersion' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'lang' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category_info' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_backend' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwygToolbar' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customPlugin' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wysiwyg_customConfig' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'use_autosave' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'dateRange' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'currpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'archiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'FooterSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'navlinks' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'socialicons' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'template_option' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'startpage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'uriargs' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'view' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'viewtype' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'leftSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'rightSidebarElements' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'staticpage_categorypage' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'serendipityArchiveURL' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'plugin_clean_page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; 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public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = class Serendipity_Smarty_Security_Policy { ... }; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = NULL; public $error_reporting = 30711; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; 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130.13461078408serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event( $event_name = 'entries_header', $eventData = ['GET' => ['action' => '', 'adminAction' => '', 'subpage' => '/pages/twitter.html?page=3'], 'POST' => [], 'COOKIE' => [], 'templatePath' => 'templates/', 'serendipityPath' => 'C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/', 'indexFile' => 'index.php', 'version' => '2.3.5', 'production' => TRUE, 'errorhandler' => 'errorToExceptionHandler', 'rewrite' => 'rewrite', 'messagestack' => [], 'allowDateManipulation' => TRUE, 'max_last_modified' => 604800, 'max_fetch_limit' => 50, 'trackback_filelimit' => 153600, 'cors' => FALSE, 'fetchLimit' => 6, 'RSSfetchLimit' => 15, 'mediaProperties' => 'DPI:IMAGE;RUN_LENGTH:VIDEO:AUDIO;DATE;COPYRIGHT;TITLE;COMMENT1:MULTI;COMMENT2:MULTI', 'use_PEAR' => TRUE, 'useHTTP-Auth' => TRUE, 'CacheControl' => TRUE, 'expose_s9y' => TRUE, 'forceBase64' => FALSE, 'use_iframe' => TRUE, 'autolang' => 'en', 'defaultTemplate' => '2k11', 'template_backend' => '2k11', 'backendBlogtitleFirst' => FALSE, 'dashboardCommentsLimit' => 5, 'dashboardEntriesLimit' => 5, 'languages' => ['en' => 'English', 'de' => 'German', 'da' => 'Danish', 'es' => 'Spanish', 'fr' => 'French', 'fi' => 'Finnish', 'cs' => 'Czech (Win-1250)', 'cz' => 'Czech (ISO-8859-2)', 'sk' => 'Slovak', 'nl' => 'Dutch', 'is' => 'Icelandic', 'tr' => 'Turkish', 'se' => 'Swedish', 'pt' => 'Portuguese Brazilian', 'pt_PT' => 'Portuguese European', 'bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'hu' => 'Hungarian', 'no' => 'Norwegian', 'pl' => 'Polish', 'ro' => 'Romanian', 'it' => 'Italian', 'ru' => 'Russian', 'fa' => 'Persian', 'tw' => 'Traditional Chinese (Big5)', 'tn' => 'Traditional Chinese (UTF-8)', 'zh' => 'Simplified Chinese (GB2312)', 'cn' => 'Simplified Chinese (UTF-8)', 'ja' => 'Japanese', 'ko' => 'Korean', 'sa' => 'Arabic', 'ta' => 'Tamil'], 'calendars' => ['gregorian' => 'Gregorian', 'persian-utf8' => 'Persian (utf8)'], 'charsets' => ['UTF-8/' => 'UTF-8', '' => 'Taalafhankelijk'], 'versionInstalled' => '2.3.5', 'dbName' => 'lmeijernl', 'dbPrefix' => 'lmweblog', 'dbHost' => 'localhost', 'dbUser' => 'lmeijernl', 'dbPass' => 'P1mbl@kXpDB', 'dbType' => 'mysqli', 'dbPersistent' => FALSE, 'dbCharset' => 'utf8', 'imageList' => [], 'capabilities' => ['jquery' => TRUE, 'jquery_backend' => TRUE, 'jquery-noconflict' => TRUE], 'core_events' => ['frontend_header' => [...], 'backend_header' => [...]], 'dbConn' => class mysqli { public $affected_rows = 0; 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140.13611078848serendipity_event_externalphp->event_hook( $event = 'entries_header', $bag = class serendipity_property_bag { public $properties = ['name' => 'External PHP Application', 'description' => 'Shows an external PHP application inside your blog with your blogs design and all formattings. USE WITH CARE, THIS PLUGIN HAS SECURITY IMPLICATIONS AS IT INCLUDES ANY GENERIC PHP FILE! YOU CAN ONLY USE THIS PLUGIN AS ADMIN!', 'event_hooks' => [...], 'configuration' => [...], 'author' => 'Garvin Hicking', 'version' => '1.4', 'requirements' => [...], 'groups' => [...], 'stackable' => TRUE]; public $name = NULL }, $eventData = ['GET' => ['action' => '', 'adminAction' => '', 'subpage' => '/pages/twitter.html?page=3'], 'POST' => [], 'COOKIE' => [], 'templatePath' => 'templates/', 'serendipityPath' => 'C:/WebServer/www/lmeijernl/', 'indexFile' => 'index.php', 'version' => '2.3.5', 'production' => TRUE, 'errorhandler' => 'errorToExceptionHandler', 'rewrite' => 'rewrite', 'messagestack' => [], 'allowDateManipulation' => TRUE, 'max_last_modified' => 604800, 'max_fetch_limit' => 50, 'trackback_filelimit' => 153600, 'cors' => FALSE, 'fetchLimit' => 6, 'RSSfetchLimit' => 15, 'mediaProperties' => 'DPI:IMAGE;RUN_LENGTH:VIDEO:AUDIO;DATE;COPYRIGHT;TITLE;COMMENT1:MULTI;COMMENT2:MULTI', 'use_PEAR' => TRUE, 'useHTTP-Auth' => TRUE, 'CacheControl' => TRUE, 'expose_s9y' => TRUE, 'forceBase64' => FALSE, 'use_iframe' => TRUE, 'autolang' => 'en', 'defaultTemplate' => '2k11', 'template_backend' => '2k11', 'backendBlogtitleFirst' => FALSE, 'dashboardCommentsLimit' => 5, 'dashboardEntriesLimit' => 5, 'languages' => ['en' => 'English', 'de' => 'German', 'da' => 'Danish', 'es' => 'Spanish', 'fr' => 'French', 'fi' => 'Finnish', 'cs' => 'Czech (Win-1250)', 'cz' => 'Czech (ISO-8859-2)', 'sk' => 'Slovak', 'nl' => 'Dutch', 'is' => 'Icelandic', 'tr' => 'Turkish', 'se' => 'Swedish', 'pt' => 'Portuguese Brazilian', 'pt_PT' => 'Portuguese European', 'bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'hu' => 'Hungarian', 'no' => 'Norwegian', 'pl' => 'Polish', 'ro' => 'Romanian', 'it' => 'Italian', 'ru' => 'Russian', 'fa' => 'Persian', 'tw' => 'Traditional Chinese (Big5)', 'tn' => 'Traditional Chinese (UTF-8)', 'zh' => 'Simplified Chinese (GB2312)', 'cn' => 'Simplified Chinese (UTF-8)', 'ja' => 'Japanese', 'ko' => 'Korean', 'sa' => 'Arabic', 'ta' => 'Tamil'], 'calendars' => ['gregorian' => 'Gregorian', 'persian-utf8' => 'Persian (utf8)'], 'charsets' => ['UTF-8/' => 'UTF-8', '' => 'Taalafhankelijk'], 'versionInstalled' => '2.3.5', 'dbName' => 'lmeijernl', 'dbPrefix' => 'lmweblog', 'dbHost' => 'localhost', 'dbUser' => 'lmeijernl', 'dbPass' => 'P1mbl@kXpDB', 'dbType' => 'mysqli', 'dbPersistent' => FALSE, 'dbCharset' => 'utf8', 'imageList' => [], 'capabilities' => ['jquery' => TRUE, 'jquery_backend' => TRUE, 'jquery-noconflict' => TRUE], 'core_events' => ['frontend_header' => [...], 'backend_header' => [...]], 'dbConn' => class mysqli { public $affected_rows = 0; public $client_info = 'mysqlnd 7.4.26'; public $client_version = 70426; public $connect_errno = 0; public $connect_error = NULL; public $errno = 0; public $error = ''; public $error_list = [...]; public $field_count = 29; public $host_info = 'localhost via TCP/IP'; public $info = NULL; public $insert_id = 0; public $server_info = '5.7.36'; public $server_version = 50736; public $sqlstate = '00000'; public $protocol_version = 10; public $thread_id = 49059; public $warning_count = 0 }, 'serendipity_plugin_categories:3191e204ade981307c166be3e97e7e8d/title' => 'Categorieën', 'serendipity_plugin_categories:3191e204ade981307c166be3e97e7e8d/authorid' => 'all', 'serendipity_plugin_categories:3191e204ade981307c166be3e97e7e8d/sort_order' => 'category_name', 'serendipity_plugin_categories:3191e204ade981307c166be3e97e7e8d/sort_method' => 'ASC', 'serendipity_plugin_categories:3191e204ade981307c166be3e97e7e8d/allow_select' => '1', 'serendipity_plugin_categories:3191e204ade981307c166be3e97e7e8d/show_count' => '', 'serendipity_plugin_categories:3191e204ade981307c166be3e97e7e8d/parent_base' => 'all', 'serendipity_plugin_categories:3191e204ade981307c166be3e97e7e8d/hide_parent' => '', 'serendipity_plugin_categories:3191e204ade981307c166be3e97e7e8d/hide_parallel' => '', 'serendipity_event_nl2br:3e3da0972a67f90f2ab634a98e0b877e/isolate' => '', 'serendipity_event_spamblock:32e76a9d3c2a676a5c583cce6ba9dfa5/version' => '1.61', 'template_engine' => '', 'dbNames' => TRUE, 'uploadPath' => 'uploads/', 'serendipityHTTPPath' => '/', 'uploadHTTPPath' => 'uploads/', 'baseURL' => '', 'autodetect_baseURL' => TRUE, 'permalinkStructure' => 'archives/%id%-%title%.html', 'permalinkAuthorStructure' => 'authors/%id%-%realname%', 'permalinkCategoryStructure' => 'categories/%id%-%name%', 'permalinkFeedCategoryStructure' => 'feeds/categories/%id%-%name%.rss', 'permalinkFeedAuthorStructure' => 'feeds/authors/%id%-%realname%.rss', 'permalinkArchivesPath' => 'archives', 'permalinkArchivePath' => 'archive', 'permalinkCategoriesPath' => 'categories', 'permalinkAuthorsPath' => 'authors', 'permalinkUnsubscribePath' => 'unsubscribe', 'permalinkDeletePath' => 'delete', 'permalinkApprovePath' => 'approve', 'permalinkFeedsPath' => 'feeds', 'permalinkPluginPath' => 'plugin', 'permalinkAdminPath' => 'admin', 'permalinkSearchPath' => 'search', 'permalinkCommentsPath' => 'comments', 'allowSubscriptions' => 'fulltext', 'blogTitle' => '', 'blogDescription' => 'Leon Meijer\'s persoonlijke weblog', 'blogMail' => '', 'lang' => 'nl', 'charset' => 'UTF-8/', 'calendar' => 'gregorian', 'lang_content_negotiation' => FALSE, 'enablePluginACL' => FALSE, 'enforce_RFC2616' => FALSE, 'useGzip' => FALSE, 'wysiwyg' => '', 'enablePopup' => FALSE, 'embed' => FALSE, 'top_as_links' => TRUE, 'trackReferrer' => FALSE, 'blockReferer' => ';', 'serverOffsetHours' => '0', 'showFutureEntries' => FALSE, 'enableACL' => TRUE, 'magick' => FALSE, 'convert' => 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32/convert.exe', 'thumbSuffix' => 'serendipityThumb', 'thumbSize' => '110', 'maxFileSize' => '', 'maxImgWidth' => '640', 'maxImgHeight' => '480', 'onTheFlySynch' => TRUE, 'dynamicResize' => FALSE, 'mediaExif' => TRUE, 'mediaKeywords' => '', 'allowSubscriptionsOptIn' => TRUE, 'serendipity_plugin_syndication:a50160c76c2245b86c39f01a0185deb2/title' => 'RSS Feeds', 'serendipity_plugin_syndication:a50160c76c2245b86c39f01a0185deb2/fullfeed' => FALSE, 'serendipity_plugin_syndication:a50160c76c2245b86c39f01a0185deb2/show_0.91' => TRUE, 'serendipity_plugin_syndication:a50160c76c2245b86c39f01a0185deb2/show_1.0' => TRUE, 'serendipity_plugin_syndication:a50160c76c2245b86c39f01a0185deb2/show_2.0' => TRUE, 'serendipity_plugin_syndication:a50160c76c2245b86c39f01a0185deb2/show_2.0c' => TRUE, 'serendipity_plugin_syndication:a50160c76c2245b86c39f01a0185deb2/show_atom0.3' => FALSE, 'serendipity_plugin_syndication:a50160c76c2245b86c39f01a0185deb2/show_atom1.0' => TRUE, 'serendipity_plugin_syndication:a50160c76c2245b86c39f01a0185deb2/show_opml1.0' => FALSE, 'serendipity_plugin_syndication:a50160c76c2245b86c39f01a0185deb2/show_feedburner' => FALSE, 'serendipity_plugin_syndication:a50160c76c2245b86c39f01a0185deb2/show_mail' => FALSE, 'serendipity_plugin_syndication:a50160c76c2245b86c39f01a0185deb2/field_managingEditor' => '', 'serendipity_plugin_syndication:a50160c76c2245b86c39f01a0185deb2/field_webMaster' => '', 'serendipity_plugin_syndication:a50160c76c2245b86c39f01a0185deb2/field_ttl' => '', ...], $addData = '' )...\
150.13611078848serendipity_event_externalphp->show( )...\serendipity_event_externalphp.php:181
160.13661096184include( 'C:\webserver\www\lmeijernl\include\ )...\serendipity_event_externalphp.php:111